Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome Home!?

Saturday September 28th 2008; moving day!! Even before I made it to my new apartment with my couch, table and my clothes, I was met by a disturbed individual, he looked at me and asked if I had “two bucks”, It wasn’t the first time I had been asked for money; downtown Toronto if full of homeless people, it’s really sad : (but this time, it was different, I could see in his eyes that he wasn’t in a “normal” state, I told him that I didn’t have any money, he looked at me and asked me WHY NOT? All the while throwing his upper body toward me and pushing me with one hand! My heart started pounding! I started shaking! There was a fury in his eyes; I thought he was going to punch me! Not really knowing what to do, I started walking back toward my brother who was in his truck waiting for me to get back with the key , but the guy started following me and all I could think was “I can’t go toward my brother, that guy might hurt him or damage his truck!” In the mean time, I had grabbed my cell phone and started dialling the rental office hoping to get someone on the phone since the door was locked when I first got there, just before the attack, why not dial 911 you ask? I don’t know? as we (me and the mysterious individual) were going toward the doors that leads outside the building, there was people walking by, he would stop for a second and asked them for money, he would be rambling none sense and immediately turn his attention back to me and keep following me, at that time all I could think was; God, help me, there wasn’t anything else I could pray for, but also, there wasn’t anything else I needed to pray for! As we got to the doors, two guys were coming in, I think they knew something was wrong, they opened the door for me and waited before going in after the guy had come out too, it seems as though they were looking to see what this guy was going to do. As I was getting closer to where my brother was, I tried to seek alternate routes so that he wouldn’t see the truck that has my brother’s company name and phone number all over it, he tried to trip me and started running the other way!! THANK GOD!!!

I got in my brother’s truck, after I made sure that guy couldn’t see me. Shacking! All I could mumble was “I just got attacked by a homeless man!” The truth is; I don’t even know if he was homeless? My brother asked me if I was ok, I admittedly lied, and said yes! I took a few deep breaths and we proceeded with the moving, it took a good 12 minutes to move me! Try to beat that!! : )

After my brother made sure I was ok and left, I sat down on the couch, I was scared and disappointed in myself! Why did I turn my back on him, why didn’t I try to reason him, I know it sounds crazy, but I felt as thought I had failed God, the one who called me to be compassionate and loving and to trust in him! What if I turned my back on someone that He had placed on my path to help? All I could do at that point was asked people to pray for him over twitter! But, to this day, I still wonder, did God place him on my path for me to witness to him? And then today, on my way back from food shopping, as I was thinking about the “attack” I hear these words (in my spirit off course : ); When the going gets tough, don’t start running the other way! Is that what God was trying to teach me? Is He using an attack from the enemy to teach me something? Is it something I tend to do? Well, I would really like your thoughts on that? And please, keep praying that God will free that young man from whatever bondage he is in!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Than Just Donuts!

Have you ever felt like God was telling you to do something for someone else, but it seems so insignificant that you are wondering if maybe it’s just yourself being a brownnoser or something. Well I did, I felt God was asking me to bring donuts to the Wellington campus staff on a certain summer day, to thank them for all their hard work in bringing the good news of the Kingdome week after week. The morning in question, I almost backed out, I started thinking, “What are they going to think? Are they goanna say I am a brownnoser? What if there are other people there? What are THEY going to think?” I can probably fill up a page with that kind of questions, but my fingers are already getting tired and I am not even half way through:). So, I fought those thoughts and went to the famous Dunkin’ Donuts (best iced coffee I ever had) got a dozen of donuts and headed to the office. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by the best campus administrator I know; Miss Rhonda Nevera, soon, other staff member joined and where all appreciative of this little gesture (well, almost all, sorry Chris, I didn’t know you were on a diet, it’s not like you really need to be on a diet so... anyway sorry :). But the real reason of my being there was about to be revealed. As was part of the host team and Rhonda wanted to run something by me, we started talking and before I knew it, I was sharing with here what I thought God had put in my heart, I say “thought” because I am still struggling to know when it is God, or me. So she graciously shared with me how God had worked in her life and how important it is to be obedient, how many blessings comes with it and how thankful she was for all He has done, that He will give you the desires of your heart! Very inspiring woman of God! After I left the office, God really started working on my case; somehow I knew I had to be obedient and move back to Canada and try to start a campus there, something that is not even in near future project? But hey, God knows more then all of us, maybe it was just my own desire, maybe God only wanted to see if I would obey him. Nevertheless, I made the move, was obedient to God and can’t wait to see how He will use me!

So, if you feel God is asking you to do something for someone else, even if it seems really insignificant, do it!!! You don’t know what He really has in store for you!! And if nothing special comes out of it, did something nice for someone else and for that person, it was special!! :)
God Is Good...All The Time!!!!