This email was sent to me by a friend, a lot of other people were included and received it, but it needs to reach even more people. It is a pure attack of the enemy and we need to cover with prayers, her family members, this Church, the people that were involved in the performance and all the people that God wanted to reach through this perfermance that will not get to attend because it had been cancelled.
If you are receiving this email, it's because I know that you understand the power of prayer, and that especially at this time of year, are grateful for the birth of Jesus who truly is, our only hope and security. I've never sent out a prayer request to multiple people, but this time,I couldn't not ask for your prayers. Last night was Opening Night for Crossroads Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Crossroads is a "mega-church" with thousands of members. This church is particularly committed to reaching people who may not believe in God or who are searching to find some meaning beyond this life, which we know we can find from the ultimate sacrifice which resulted in an empty tomb. Crossroads puts on a Christmas show every year which is the caliber of anything you would see from a touring Broadway company. The stage sets are extensive, the talent is incredible, the special effects are amazing. This show is heavily attended every year, and this year 26,000tickets were requested (the show is free). People from all walks of life attend this; believers as well as non-believers, young, old, able and disabled. The gospel message is always preached at the end of each performance. Last night, during a scene in which the "three wise men" were climbing a"mountain" that was 25 feet high, a 23 year old girl fell to her death in the middle of the performance of Opening Night. It is uncertain at this time whether the harness malfunctioned, broke etc. They are still trying to determine what the actual cause of the accident was. The head pastor determined to cancel the show immediately and all remaining eleven performances have been cancelled. In addition to the tragedy of this young girl losing her life and the trauma that her immediate family is now experiencing, there were several thousand people in the audience who witnessed this first hand as well as the staff, crew, other performers and volunteers of Crossroads church.My two younger sisters were intimately connected to this show. One sister is the Producer and oversees a large creative team that irresponsible for every aspect of birthing and executing this show. My other sister is one of the choreographers. Both of them, as you might imagine have been deeply and profoundly affected by this. I'm specifically concerned about my sister who is the Producer as she was instrumental in bringing the aspect of harnessing so that actors could "fly" and "climb". She even personally attended at raining workshop in California earlier in the year where she herself,participated in the actual flying and climbing. (A former competitive gymnast, she found the experience exhilarating and couldn't wait to bring this to this year's Christmas show). She is suffering from unnecessary feelings of guilt and at this point, we have been unable to convince her to attend the free counseling that Crossroads is providing at the church today for ANYONE who may need to come and speak with professional. There are so many people who are affected by this and have experienced a great loss. Of concern also, is those who may be seeking to understand more about God and His love for us and something like this can be difficult to surmount. For those of us who have been Christians for awhile, something like this can bring up uncomfortable questions. Was God really in control? Why did He allow something like this to happen?Is it okay to be angry? Those are difficult questions for people who know and follow Jesus but for people who have yet to experience His grace, mercy and sacrificial love, these are questions born of a tragic occurrence that could make the difference in their decision to believe at all. Please pray that the parents and family of this girl will be comforted,especially at this time of year which will come every year with its own fresh memories. Please pray for the staff, crew and volunteers of Crossroads who put an amazing amount of hours, work, dedication and talent into this performance. Please pray for the thousands of people who witnessed this first hand last night and for the thousands of people who will not be able to attend the cancelled future performances.Please pray that my sister will be at peace and know that this was not her fault and that she was not responsible. Please pray that she and her creative team will have the strength to continue their work, the work they believe they were called to, the work that is and has been, touching so many lives. Should any specific thoughts or prayers come to you, please pray in that direction as the Lord guides you. For any of you who may today be experiencing the stress and anxiety that is inherent as we walk with our human minds and bodies in this world,please take a moment to realize that life truly is short. We spend so much time worrying about things that won't matter next week, let alone after we are gone. Take a special moment this Christmas season to share or remind someone of the true meaning of the season and though we can count on absolutely noting in this world, we can "be of good cheer, for He has come to overcome the world". Take a moment to understand that we don't and won't understand so many of the things that we encounter in our lives. And if you are reading this, take a moment to thank The One who lives in your heart, who comforts and provides, who loves us when we aren't so lovable, who believes in us when our beliefs are momentarily shaken. Because of His birth, we don't have to truly die. Because of His death, we can truly live. Here, in the perfect joy that only He provides and forever later, in His house and by His side. Spend one extra moment this season to tell someone you love them, that you care about them, that you are championing them, that you believe in them. They may not be here tomorrow. With love and affection to you all and embracing the resons for the Season, Jane
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It’s Been My Pleasure
4 years ago